Hog Roast Malham –  What’s Your Favourite Christmas Food?

With the temperature dropping to near zero in the mornings it certainly already feels a lot like Christmas, so we might as well start getting in the spirit of the season and start thinking about all of our favourite Christmas foods. You’ll know that as a caterer food is just about all we think about at Hog Roast Malham already, and when it comes to Christmas dining we are firm fans. It is, after all, a dinner where the roast takes the crown, and where we gather amongst friends and family to enjoy a feast together. In other words, it is just about everything we already champion here at Hog Roast Malham all year round with our event catering.

So of course when it comes to Christmas dinner everyone has their favourites. Some prefer to have the traditional turkey at Christmas, whereas others might prefer the salty juiciness of a roast ham. Or perhaps you are a family that does both? And where to even begin on the contentious Christmas table issues plaguing the UK each year, such as whether you adore brussels sprouts or abhor them. Some of us meanwhile (me) could hoover up an entire plate of just stuffing and chipolatas and be quite happy, while others look forward to a traditional nut roast, or well roasted vegetables, or several Yorkshire puddings.

Dessert sparks another conversation again entirely. The classic mince pie is always a great go to, but perhaps you are more of a Christmas pudding person, or a Christmas cake. Maybe a trifle is your Christmas treat, or maybe you skip it all for the after eights and a tea.

Hog Roast MalhamAt Hog Roast Malham we have our very own festive menu for your Christmas events. You’ll find both our classic hog roast is available here, and indeed we have our own whole roasted golden turkey too. And we’ll never forget the pigs in blankets, nor the roast potatoes – a staple of the Christmas dinner – and we’ve even got a medley of festive vegetables, including glazed carrots, green beans, and the much-maligned sprout. Some can’t do without their cauliflower cheese, so we’ve got that too.

We hopefully have some of your favourites in our menu, but if we don’t then just let your Hog Roast Malham team know and we will see what we can do for your Christmas this year!